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They require a host (such as a file) in a computer to act as a carrier, but they cannot infect a computer without human action to run or open the infected file.
Download How Can I Hack A School Network free software#
They can cause mild computer dysfunction, but can also have more severe effects in terms of damaging or deleting hardware, software or file They are self-replicating programs, which spread within and between computers.

Other states and state sponsored groups launching cyber-attacks with the aim of collecting information on or compromising UK government, defence, economic and industrial assets and.Cyber-terrorists who intend to cause maximum disruption and impact.

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Illicit intrusions into computer networks, such as hacking and.Cyber-enabled crimes - traditional crimes which can be increased in scale or reach by the use of computers, computer networks or other forms of ICT (such as cyber-enabled fraud and data theft).Ĭyber-dependent crimes fall broadly into two main categories:.developing and propagating malware for financial gain, hacking to steal, damage, distort or destroy data and/or network or activity). Cyber-dependent crimes - crimes that can be committed only through the use of Information and Communications Technology (‘ICT’) devices, where the devices are both the tool for committing the crime, and the target of the crime (e.g.The Government's National Cyber Security Strategy defines these as: Practical and operational points to consider when prosecuting a cybercrime case.Ĭybercrime is an umbrella term used to describe two closely linked, but distinct ranges of criminal activity.Cyber-enabled crimes and the legislation which should be considered when reviewing and charging a cyber-enabled case, and.Cyber-dependent crimes and the legislation which should be considered when reviewing and charging a cyber-dependent case.This guidance provides a summary of the main types of cybercrime offending and highlights where further guidance is available. Annex B: Cybercrime types and related Cyber- Enabled Offences.Annex A: Cybercrime types and related Cyber-Dependent Offences.Extreme Pornography and Obscene Publications.Child Sexual Offences and Indecent Images of Children.Disclosing private sexual images without consent.